
J.B. Grading System

Our diamonds pass through rigorous quality control and are assessed finely by qualified craftsmen. Each flawless diamond complies with stringent specifications of color, clarity and shape.

Cut (Prop)

Diamond's beauty depends upon optical properties such as high Refractive index, color dispersion, luster & high degree of clarity. We give strong thrust on cut grading. Due to well equipped manufacturing system our stones are best polished. Luster means fire of diamonds. Better the Polish, brighter & more lustrous the stone. At the time of cutting take care that the light entering from top should not be lost through the teak pavilion sides. So Customer gets to observe almost 100% light from a round brilliant cut diamond. i.e. (82-83% from total internal reflection & 17 -18 % from luster). This phenomenon is known as "LIFE". As diamond critical angle is 24*, brilliance of diamond depends upon pavilion facets & pavilion angle. Cut determines brilliance. In RBC diamond Crown facets act like small prism, which split white light. Small crown gives less Dispersion & more Brilliance vice versa.

Lay people often confuse a diamond's SHAPE with its CUT; this is most likely due to the industry's synonymous use of the terms "cut" and "shape" to describe a diamonds shape (outline), i.e. marquise cut, round brilliant cut, or pear shape. In reality when we refer to the "cut" or "make" of a diamond, we are really referring to a compilation of three factors. It’s PROPORTIONS in terms of degrees and percentages... the quality of its POLISH or finish... and the SYMMETRY of its facets... These three factors result in the "Overall Cut Grade" of the diamond.

Code - Cut Description Image
(ID) IDEAL Ideal cut diamonds are round diamonds that have been cut to exact, mathematical proportions. It must be symmetrical, and have 58 facets, placed exactly according to formula. These diamonds are cut to maximize the brilliance and sparkle of the stone.
This cut is intended to maximize brilliance and is as near to ideal proportions as possible. The typically smaller table sizes of these diamonds have the added benefit of creating a great deal of dispersion - or 'fire' - as well.
This cut deviate slightly from the Excellent cut proportions in order to create a larger diamond. However, diamonds in this category reflect the majority of the light that enters them, creating a good deal of brilliance
Diamond in this category will reflect much of the light that enters them. Their proportion falls outside of the preferred range because the cutter has chosen to create the largest possible diamond. Good cut diamonds offer an excellent cost-saving without sacrificing quality or beauty.
A diamond graded as Fair will be cut to a lower standard that reflects only a small proportion of the light that enters it as compared to Good cut diamonds, losing fire and brilliance.